Coal Adventure Development System

Development News by Stuart Bryson:

 29 July 2005

I'm sure you'll be glad to know I've been busy working on the next release of Coal. Already it has some great new features, one of these being support for PNG files you can select them as source files and all animations are compiled in PNG format. What does this mean? That your game will be faster and smaller than ever!

I do need to make a error warning however, regarding the current release of Coal: version 2.6. There appears to be problems in the implementation of Materials for Characters. I will post an update in a few days, but you may notice in the meantime Characters disappearing from your Project list after saving and loading your game and the Builder crashing unexpectedly. This will only occur with new characters those from previous versions will be fine.

- Stuart

 20 March 2005

G'day all!

It's been a while since the last news update, but finally we are heading towards the next release of Coal.

Custom dialogs have been pushed back for the meantime, but new features such as custom paths and materials have been added, as well as a number of bug fixes.

Keep you eyes peeled for Coal 2.6 in April.
- Stuart

 26 September 2004

Just a quick word to let you know that things are still progressing...

Unfortunatly, it's been really busy recently, and the next version of Coal has been delayed somewhat. Hopefully the next version will be available by Christmas - with fully customisable in-game dialogs.

Till then, keep you bug reports and feedback coming!
- Stuart

 15 August 2004

Well guys, it's been 2 years since the first release of Coal! Can you believe it?

The good news is that the next version of Coal will feature some great improvements to the interface - including custom dialogs. Hopefully it might be available in the next few months.

Let me know if you have any ideas for coming versions.
- Stuart



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